Ramblings from Chain Bear.
April 30, 2013
Chain Bear Blog Has Moved
I've been meaning to move this blog from Blogger to Wordpress for ages, but was always too lazy. Then I realised it was ridiculously eas...
April 24, 2013
More on Dawkins. Morekins.
A further thought upon my blog post about Dawkins last week. I made a suggestion that Richard Dawkins should stick to spouting wise ab...
April 22, 2013
National Treasure
I'd quite like to be popular enough on twitter that hundreds of people rush to my defence no matter what stupid shit I say. I mean, I...
April 18, 2013
'Crazy' and Other Words (Pt 1)
I've been thinking about this for a little while, and in light of some heated discussions that have occurred in my line of sight, I thou...
I Can Solve This Whole Richard Dawkins Problem
Richard Dawkins was a big player in reigniting the atheist movement and possibly the skeptic and humanist movements too, with the release of...
March 21, 2013
I Don't Like Labels Anymore
While we’re at it with naming stuff, I think I’ve decided I don’t like labelling myself anymore. I’m not sure I was ever super comfortable...
The Power of Technical Language
Deputy Editor of the New Statesman , Helen Lewis said something interesting on the Pod Delusion this week. Speaking to James O’Malley a...
March 19, 2013
Penises: Not my Cup of Tea for Some Reason
So, I was talking to this bisexual guy the other day and we happened to get chatting about sexuality in general. I can't remember how we...
February 19, 2013
On Dystopian Power
This is a quickie: more of a tweet that exploded into a larger thought. Last night during Black Mirror , I tweeted that post-apocalyptic d...
February 15, 2013
A Guide to Perving Appropriately
Today both The Sun and The Daily Mail (and probably others, though I am unsure as of writing) have chosen to illustrate the murder of Ree...
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